Clay can be used as a:
Internal Detox Cleanse
Body wrap
Detox bath
Poultice for skin conditions
Foot bath
Sinus rinse
Clay works because every molecule, when hydrated, becomes negatively charged, with the powerful magnetic ability to pull positively-charged toxins into its own cell structure and carry them away. Whether its excess oil on your skin, dirt in your pores, or bacteria, heavy metals or parasites in your gut, Clay has the capacity to detoxify and cleanse from the inside out! It also works at a deep cellular level to energize, revitalize, regenerate and heal.
As you follow these instructions, remember, don’t ever use metal implements when mixing clay; it weakens clay’s powerful drawing capacity.
We recommend you start with two glass containers, each with a plastic lid; a jar for mixing detox clay water and a bowl for making clay paste. Plastic lids for canning jars can usually be found with the canning supplies at your grocery store. By mixing these both ahead you’ll have clay ready when you need it. Each will keep in the refrigerator for at least several weeks.
Internal Use:
To make Clay detox water, mix 6 Tablespoons of clay with 3 cups of water in a glass jar with a plastic lid and shake thoroughly to dissolve. Refrigerate overnight. This gives the clay time to “bloom” so that it will taste better and work more effectively. Start by drinking 1 Tablespoon of clay water and slowly increase to 4 Tablespoons (2 ounces or 1⁄4 cup) each day. You can take the clay water straight or add it to food or a smoothie.
Most people usually notice the benefits of taking clay internally within a week.
Sinus rinse – Using a neti pot, mix 1 cup distilled water, 1⁄4 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. of prepared Clay water. Mix well. To increase antibacterial effectiveness, add 1⁄2 tsp. colloidal silver.
External Use:
In a glass or ceramic bowl, mix equal parts (1:1) Pure Clay® and apple cider vinegar; we usually start with 1⁄4 cup of each. Mix well with a silicone whisk and let rest for 20-30 minutes to thicken. Because clay has a high alkaline pH, we like to use apple cider vinegar, which is acidic, to balance out the pH so it doesn’t dry out the skin. Using the above recipe, use the prepared clay for:
Mask - Apply liberally to skin. When the clay just starts to crack (but still has some stickiness to it, usually about 15-20 minutes), rinse off with a warm washcloth. Halve that time for sensitive skin. If you leave it on until the clay is completely dry it could pull moisture out of the skin. Some redness after rinsing is completely normal – the clay draws blood flow to the surface so that it can carry toxins away. Your skin should feel buttery soft and smooth and look bright and radiant!
Body Wrap – Coat body area with hydrated clay and cover with plastic wrap. Keep covered for 30 minutes to an hour and then rinse in the shower. Make sure clay clumps are dissolved before they go down the drain.
Poultice –Apply clay thickly to skin condition, cover with gauze or a bandage and leave on for several hours or overnight. As long as the clay stays hydrated, it will continue to pull toxins out of the affected area and leave behind restorative healing energy. It can be used for bug bites, cuts, burns, bruises, rashes, cuts – any area where the skin needs healing.
Powder uses:
Detox Bath – mix 1⁄2 cup to 1 cup of clay powder into warm running water, dissolving
thoroughly. Soak in clay bath for 30 minutes. Feel energized!
Foot Bath – mix 1⁄4 cup of clay powder into warm water in a tub or basin, dissolving thoroughly. Soak feet for 30 minutes. This is a great way to pull toxins out of the body.